Sunday, March 01, 2009


Pas pertama gw liat produk ini, gw tertarik sama warnanya:
white with blue stripes, that's totally my style :D

terus gw pikir, wah, lucu juga nih,,
biasanya kan cutton bud warna tangkainya 1 warna aja,
putih aja, kuning, atau pink..
so this one's out of the box, i thought...

but this "Char Mi" people (thats the label of the bud) must've had a great corporate policy for innovation,
cause the color is not the only factor that made this product out of the box..

Notice the points of the buds?

yup! they're spiral!

In case you didn't notice the points,
they've put a sign on the wrapper

It said "Teknologi Spiral (R)"
(mm.. the "registered" symbol actually appear after the "Teknologi" word, so i don't quite sure what's "registered" ) :D

They also put this sentence :
"Paper Stick Spiral pertama dan satu-satunya di Indonesia"

and i thought..

the competition must be tough on the cutton bud market :D
this people must used 2 out of the box idea into one product..

but there's one thing hanging on my mind....
dapet ide darimana ya bikin ujungnya spiral?

apa karena kalau orang pake cutton bud suka di puter2 gitu yah,
jadi dibikin spiral aja sekalian.. :D

Emang jadi nyaman ya kalau spiral?
gw sendiri blm nyoba sih...
we'll see..

tapi yang jelas,
this is one out of the box product...

Congrats Char Mi Cutton Bud!

:D :D :D

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Melihat2 post lama..

gw sedang melihat2 postingan2 lama gw di blog ini..

dan reaksi gw:
wah menarik juga ya blog gw.. *hehehe.. narsis2..

misalnya di posting ini , gw posting cerita sehari2 gw..

posting yang ini, salah satu dari teori2 gw, pelajaran yang gw dapet selama gw hidup :D

disini, gw posting pendapat gw ttg sebuah film..

dan masih banyak lagi cerita2 gw di blog ini.

gw bikin blog dari sma,
kalo dari archive sih bulan feb 2004,
sekarang bulan feb 2009,

wah, udah 5 tahun gw nulis di blog ini..

kalau dilihat dari kecenderungannya sih,
akhir2 ini makin jarang diisi,
kalaupun diisi pun pendek2..
ada apa gerangan?

mungkin karena tingkat prioritas mengisi blog sudah terdorong ke bawah oleh kegiatan2 lainnya..
mungkin mengisi blog sudah tidak seseru dulu..
mungkin mengisi blog sudah tidak sepenting dulu.. :)
mungkin keberaadaan blog sudah tergantikan media lainnya?

yah, mungkin..

but i find myself keep typing this post,
i likely to found me craving to write in blog,
usually about something i cannot tell anyone,
or something i think anyone wouldn't understand
or when i feel like writing :D

i still feel this blog to be one of my sanctuary..
it helps me get through some tough time,
it helps me on expressing my thought,
it helps me on my writing ability
it gives me a place to hide, when i don't want nobody to interfere.

dan sekarang gw menemukan manfaat baru dari blog ini..

sebagai tempat bernostalgia..

ngebaca lagi cerita2 yang gw post dahulu kala,
bikin gw keinget lagi, hidup gw dulu tuh kayak gimana,
gimana gw berkembang, gimana gw menanggapi berbagai masalah..
kadang2 lucu,
kadang2 sedih,
kadang2 gw takjub sendiri.. :D

oh well..
semoga blog ini masih bisa terus memberikan manfaatnya,
masih bisa terus nemenin gw menjalani hidup
dan smeoga gw juga ga lupa sama blog ini,
blog yang telah memberikan manfaatnya,
blog yang telah nemenin gw menjalani hidup :)


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jam 3 pagi.

Jam 3 pagi.
Blm tidur.
Blm siap2 mau tidur.
Blm kasih makan hamster (uhuhu.. Maaf ya Pablo & Picasso).
Blm beres2 tas.

Hah, what started as a simple email check at 11, grown into hours of browsing the net.. Ahahaha..

~gapapa d sekali2 :p

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Not about romantic relationship

You're the best i ever have, you know it..

But is it wrong to hope that you're not the best i'll ever get?

Still waiting for the most fit person
*fingers crossed :D

Monday, February 16, 2009

"..We're trippin' on silly things.."

X : "oh, td ketemuan sm Y ya? Apa kabar dia? Masih gendut ga?"
Me : "Kenapa sih nanyanya itu melulu, fisik bgt"
X : "bukannya gitu... (bla,bla,bla..). Kamu tu negative thinking aja"
Me : hhh..

well that makes two of us then,
you see, it requires a negative thinker to judge someone to think negative..

I can't have a single civilized conversation with you. I haven't succeeded doing that.
Oh wait, we might had a couple when you're away him, when you're head clear, when you're sober.

But then he got into you again. Yes, i always clearly blame him,,, but now i'm thinking you're not as innocent as i thought you were.

We're not in the same page anymore. And i may be tired of trying sooner or later..

I hate this part of my life.