Monday, February 24, 2014

Swimming Thougths

I love to swim. Being underwater gives the scarce feeling of peace & serenity.
I often have interesting thoughts while swimming, being secluded from distracting surrounding eases inspiration to come.

Here's my latest swimming thoughts, particularly about life :
  • Take a breath, no matter how good you are at what you do, or you'll get suffocated.
  • Signs that you need to rest ;
    • You no longer looking at your target or you can't see your target,
    • You feel disoriented and unorganized,
    • Your surrounding seems dark & gloomy
  • When you feel your surrounding's foggy and unclear, take a break and check your glasses first (check yourself, your perspective, the way you look at life)
  • Signs that you’re in good position ;
    • You can see your target crystal clear
    • You enjoy the process to accomplished your target
    • You're excited for your next target.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Happiness Tracking : No Waiting

Happiness is..
Fast reliable high-bandwidth Internet connection

Happiness is..
No traffic in the road

Happiness is when we don't need to wait just because insufficient resources, incapable facilities, or overload traffic.