Friday, May 02, 2008


You know what I miss?
My typical Saturday-Sunday morning.

Gee, i miss those time when i could wake up at 10,
then watching Oprah, while eating my chicken porridge.

When i could go out from my house and smell the nice scent of morning,

Gile, udah lama ya gw ga gitu,
skarang Sabtu pagi gw mesti udah berangkat les, in 8 AM!
Damn, les apaan jam 8..
masi ngantuk2 gt.. huhu..
yah tapi memang gw yang pengen les, jadi dijalani sajalah,
no pain no gain. >.<

Trus minggu paginya, yang ada gw capek, trus tidur ampe siang (haha)
trus paling belajar buat ngerjar materi kuliah, (ha, pathetic /. .\)
ah cumi2 lah..


Saturday, April 12, 2008

New Form of Torture

12 04 08

is.... Facial!

yak benar,,
menurut gw, facial adalah salah satu bentuk penyiksaan modern,,

i mean, is this suppose to be this hurting?


And we -for the sake of our pride- we don't even allowed to scream.


I'm talkin' about a stranger wobbling your face,
pinching it on one side to another..


I rarely go facial -guess i know why now-
adn today i decided to do it,
and i regret my decision.

Udah sakit,
hasilnya merah2 smua lagi muka gw.. >.<
kayak abis ditonjokin,
bengkak2.. :D


Mungkin krn gw jarang facial juga kali ya,
yang bikin pas gw facial, kok banyak banget yang mesti "dibenahi"..
hwakakak.. :D


anyway, stelah kunjungan menyakitkan ke salon itu,
gw bertekad untuk lebih memperhatikan kesejahteraan kulit muka gw,
"duh, kasian mbak kulitnya" - kt yang facial-in gw tadi..
"sial", dalem hati gw :D

ah gw mau lebih serius ngerawat kulit muka ah,
udah mau 20 masa masi jerawatan
jadi malu gw.

yah semangat deh dis,
asal jgn brenti ditengah jalan aja,
*great, what a "motivational" statement


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Man, I Was Selfish!

saw you one night all alone,
and damn,
i didn't realize you're so lonely.

Sitting there all by yourself,
i couldn't tell that you're happy.

Were you relieved, or mad?
were you happy or sad?

what were you thinking?

and there it was,
suddenly i realized,
i was so selfish all this time,

you probably thought about all those lonely nights you might have,
all those scary possibilities,
all those memories,,

i wasn't realize you were this lonely,
i wasn't realize that this thing is suckin' up all your life,
leaving only pain and agony
leaving you in the most difficult situation.

I'm sorry if i only add your misery,
me, not being supportive, not being helpful,
truthfully i'm sorry,
i didn't realize it was that bad..

So sorry,
wish i could be more helpful in the future,
at least show that i care,
so we could fix this thing, together..


Action Speaks Louder Than Word

yes they do.

please stop making him useless excuses,
i already know him,

and i know what he did to me, to us.
i feel the pain too.

I'm confused about how fast you forget about it
and agreed to take him back.

You said you haven't forget about it,
yet you don't show it,
and pretend like nothing happened.


Have your wounds heal already?
cause mine's haven't.

You said yours haven't too
yet you don't show it,
and pretend like nothing happened.


well, MANY things happened,
and you can't expect me to walk on with closed eyes like you do.
no, i can't.


You can said "he change, he's a better person now" a million time,
yet, still i can't believe it.

what i believe is what i see, what i feel, what i know,
what he did to me,
or maybe what he NEVER did to me.
and it hurts.

and don't blame me if i don't believe him right now,
because i don't
and i don't know if I'm ever gonna trust him again.

this wounds can't be undone,
this pain you can't took back,
i already know what's the cause, who's to blame,
so don't make me go back and feel it again.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

This could be an ordinary day..

This could be an ordinary day,
but instead, you guys showed up and shouted happy birthday.

I could be alone with my thoughts of life
but then you all came and reminded me that i was alive.

I could just sat, watching TV by myself
then you bursted into my living room,
sat on my couch like a bunch of elf.

I didn't even have plan for the noon,
but then i saw you guys,
i didn't want us to split until the sun replaced by the moon.
(ahaha, lebai, bodo ah :p)

It was one of the day when you didn't want things to end,
the day which left smile upon your face until you put yourself to sleep,
I know, and i don't want to pretend,
this moment is so sweet, a moment worth to keep.

This could be an ordinary day,
but instead, you guys showed up and shouted happy birthday!

Thanks for this day guys,
You're the BEST.

special for : Bung Nat, Fani, Ronny, Lucia, Dimas.. :)
