Thursday, March 20, 2008

This could be an ordinary day..

This could be an ordinary day,
but instead, you guys showed up and shouted happy birthday.

I could be alone with my thoughts of life
but then you all came and reminded me that i was alive.

I could just sat, watching TV by myself
then you bursted into my living room,
sat on my couch like a bunch of elf.

I didn't even have plan for the noon,
but then i saw you guys,
i didn't want us to split until the sun replaced by the moon.
(ahaha, lebai, bodo ah :p)

It was one of the day when you didn't want things to end,
the day which left smile upon your face until you put yourself to sleep,
I know, and i don't want to pretend,
this moment is so sweet, a moment worth to keep.

This could be an ordinary day,
but instead, you guys showed up and shouted happy birthday!

Thanks for this day guys,
You're the BEST.

special for : Bung Nat, Fani, Ronny, Lucia, Dimas.. :)



tachu said...

slamat ultah sayangku :)

btw email adbis yang lo kirimin masuk ke koak SPAM.hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Hai teman,,maaf ku tak mengucapkan selamat ultah padamu,huhu.

Mudah2an dissa tambah pibo yah,,hehehe...^^

Wish u d' best all...