Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mau sampai kapan?

Jadi gw yang capek ngliatin lo,
mau ampe kapan bgini terus?

mau ampe kapan terus nutup mata?
cause the problem's there. honey,
and it won't be disappeared or solved if you just close your eyes..

Masalahnya tetap ada, cuman lo memilih untuk ga ngeliat.
and it won't solved the problem honey,
you just makin' it bigger and bigger..

dan solusinya juga ada kok,
kalu lo memilih untuk menyelesaikannya,
kalo lo mau mulai mencari solusi,, pasti ketemu..

the problem is to start searching, start looking..
start realizing that you DO have problems,
start opening your eyes,
and DEAL with it..

Cause you can't move forward without opening your eyes,
you can't just wish to things to go around smoothly,
cause this is life honey, this is REAL life,
where REAL people gets REAL problem,
and they search for a REAL solution,,
sometimes they find it easily, sometimes they don't
but hey, al least they're TRY..

Problem's not imaginary, it's real.
Solution's also not imaginary, it's there.
But you closing your eyes and hope for living happily ever after..?
Sorry to say my dear..
it won't happen that way..

Wake up, wake up my friend..
Please wake up before it' s too late,

I can't help you when you don't want any help...
Or when you don't realize you need help..
so please wake up pal, open your eyes..

Setiap orang pasti harus membuat satu keputusan besar dalam hidupnya.
Kadang itu adalah sebuah keputusan yang berat dan menyakitkan.
But ay, the pinching makes you realize you're not live in a dream..


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