Thursday, July 19, 2007

It's Not A Game

Oh, now I see..
Maybe for you all, it's just a game
Another fun thing to do..

Well let me tell you now,
It's not a game
It's not fun,
for us who suffer for curiosity,
for us who never know what lies ahead,
for us who could only wonder what is this suppose to be.

Yeah I know,
I've been there several times,
In fact, I think I'm there now,
Stuck in the same game again and again..

Damn you all,,
It's not fun,
It hurts, sometimes a lot..

Dear Readers,
Please don't play with someone's heart, someone's feeling..
Cause it's not fun, it's not a game..
Cause it hurts, sometimes a lot..



Anonymous said...

Kenapa Dis?

nyt said...

Ih, abis diapain ama org lo bow...??

Btw, btw, br bkn blog br lagi. Pindah dr livejournal. abis org susah si ninggalin jejak disana..berat lagi..jadi kemabali ke kampung halaman...

Audrey Cornu said...

Ada apa, Dis?
Tuh kan, ngga cerita2...

Nadissa said...

hehe,, thanks teman, atas atensi nya.

Ga. suka kesel aja kadang2,,

..sama orang2 yg udah punya pasangan tapi masih flirty-flirty,, haha, there, i've said it..
