Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Not about romantic relationship

You're the best i ever have, you know it..

But is it wrong to hope that you're not the best i'll ever get?

Still waiting for the most fit person
*fingers crossed :D

Monday, February 16, 2009

"..We're trippin' on silly things.."

X : "oh, td ketemuan sm Y ya? Apa kabar dia? Masih gendut ga?"
Me : "Kenapa sih nanyanya itu melulu, fisik bgt"
X : "bukannya gitu... (bla,bla,bla..). Kamu tu negative thinking aja"
Me : hhh..

well that makes two of us then,
you see, it requires a negative thinker to judge someone to think negative..

I can't have a single civilized conversation with you. I haven't succeeded doing that.
Oh wait, we might had a couple when you're away him, when you're head clear, when you're sober.

But then he got into you again. Yes, i always clearly blame him,,, but now i'm thinking you're not as innocent as i thought you were.

We're not in the same page anymore. And i may be tired of trying sooner or later..

I hate this part of my life.

Monday, January 19, 2009

My Sixteen Things

Gw ud kena tag beberapa orang nih..
Daripada mengecewakan penggemar, here's my sixteen things, hope u enjoy reading it as i enjoyed listing it :

Gw :

- berada di kalangan yg bilang kalo makan gw lama.. Tp ah, lama itu kan relatif.. :-D

- ga tahan denger lagu2 "jelek", krn gw percaya itu bakal bikin bego, bgitu jg dgn film/sinetron..

- bs dbilang senang membaca,, komik, majalah, novel, buku2 pengembangan diri, tp ga bgitu suka buku terjemahan..

- ga suka tampil, tp senang bekerja di balik layar

- punya kcenderungan u/ mendahulukan org lain

- gw peduli, kadang terlalu peduli thdp org lain

- gw ga pinter nawar! Gw ngerasa itu bukan kewajiban gw u/ nawar, tp kewajiban penjual u/ ngasih harga yang bener.. Kalo dibandrol kan mereka yg dosa..

- I pay attention to details.. Bisa dibilang cenderung pefectionist dalam kadar tertentu.

- kesel bgt sama pemakai jalan yg ugal2an, terutama angkot & motor. Salah satu hal yg bikin gw mengumpat2..

- seneng mempelajari ttg manusia, u/ mengembangkan diri, u/ hubungan2 ke org lain.. Duh, kyknya salah jurusan ya gw..

- suka lagu2 yg liriknya bagus, kalau melodinya bagus, tp liriknya ble'e, bisa ilfil

- punya kcenderungan menggeneralisasi, bikin teori2 sndiri, mm.. bisa dibilang agak sotoy :-D

- oase gw saat stress : nonton serial komedi, baca komik, ke supermarket, ngobrol dgn tman2!

- punya minat dibidang foto/sinematografi & jurnalistik.. Damn, gw bner2 salah jurusan ni :-D

- waktu kecil suka dibilang gendut sm kluarga2 gw, padahal ga gendut, cuman buncit aja :-D

- cenderung introvert, sulit percaya sm org, skali dikhianatin, hmm, kalo dr pengalaman si.. bisa gawat deh pokoknya..

Yap, sudah 16 tuh,, hehe seru juga menyatakan fakta2 diri.. Kapan2 lagi aah.. :-P

Friday, January 16, 2009

Yes Man (No Spoiler)

Just watched Yes Man.
Nice movie, entertaining, uplifting, funny ofcourse, and silly like other Jim Carrey movie (Fun With Dick & Jane, Bruce Almighty), yet still have a meaning..

I like Zooey Deschanel character and the way she played it. A little too young to be compared with Jim Carrey (he's getting old, really, those wrinkles? Or should i say laugh mark? :-D ), but the couple on the movie were so sweet..

Allison's (Zooey's characther) clothes were also cute.. I like it. I think my friends could go ga-ga when they see it :-D

Anyway, love the movie. Go see it if you need a laugh..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kunjungan ke Dokter Mata

Baru saja berkunjung ke dokter mata, periksa saja, mengingat belakangan ini mata saya sering bekerja lembur melebihi jam kerja semestinya, dengan semua ujian, kuliah, nonton, dsb..

Hasilnya? Mata kanan katanya minus 1/4, lainnya ga dibahas si. Belum perlu pakai kacamata, kalau makan teratur + vitamin, insyaAllah ga tambah parah..

Komentar dokternya : "biasanya umur2 segini suka kebanyakan pakai komputer.."
Gw ketawa aja,
kalo kuliahnya komputer, gimana dong dok? :)