Monday, January 05, 2009


Jalanan di Jakarta itu sinting.
Rame bgt, gada yg mau ngalah, ga tertib peraturan, mepet2 seenaknya, ga takut mati, ga peduli sekitarnya, ngaco, parkir sembarangan, angkot brenti seenak udel, bus2 ga sadar badan, tempramental, pabrik polusi..

Sintiing, sinting..

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm so lucky i have you..

I'm sorry you had to be my test case..

Thank you for helping me be a better person :-)

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Things about relationship

If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sedikit teguran..

Haah.. Hari ini diawali dgn sgt gila!
Gw ada kuis jam 8.15, dan tebak gw bangun jam brapa???

Jam 8 sodara2, yak jam 8, delapan, D E L A P A N !

Astagfirullahalaziim.. Lgs ganti baju, ga pk mandi, brgkt ke kampus..

Spanjang perjalanan gw brusaha zikir & istighfar smbil baca2 bahannya & sarapan (sirkus d pkknya :-D) ,,

dan tnyata ttp telat (iyalah), gw nyampe kelas kira2 jam 8.25, ga boleh masuk & kt bpknya kl mau ngomong nanti abis kelas, jam stg 10..

Hhh... Gw sempet mondar mandir ga jelas, when it come to mind, i should go to God..
Jd gw mutusin u/ dhuha di mesjid,, dsana gw minta ampun, ini mungkin teguran dr Allah, krn mmg ud 2 hari ini gw telat subuh.. Astagfirullahalaziim..

Gw mohon ampun, dan sadar kalo hub sm Tuhan ga boleh dianggep lalu,
you cant take God for granted!
Lo bner2 harus mgikuti aturannya, dan mjauhi larangannya dgn sungguh2..

Kalo ud gini gw malu minta bantuan lagi sm Allah, i dont think i deserve it.. Hix.. But i pray for God's forgiveness and wisdom..

I cried on my sujud, thinking how ungrateful i was,,
i prayed for God's forgiveness, cause that's the most important thing..

Setelah tenang, gw mnunggu kelas slsai smbil baca2 bahan,
when the time came, gw disuru ke ruangan bpknya,
dan gw bilang aja sjujurnya, gw telat bangun..
Bapaknya rada kcewa kyknya ngedenger alasan gw,
tp mau gmn? Ms gw bohong?
Ooo no no, i won't break another rule..

Long story short, he gave me another chance,
not by taking the quiz,
but by doing some sort of assignment,
still don't know what it is cause he said to wait for another friend, who's also absent, to come..

Subhanallah walhamdulillah wa laa ilaa ha illallah hu Allahu akbar..
Gw masi dkasi ksempatan!
Terimakasih banyak ya Allah...
Allah memang paling baik, i'm so sorry i've let You down,
i promise i'll try not to ever dissapoint You again..
Hope i could keep that promise for the rest of my life, Amiin..

Now i'm trying to continue my day,,
Thank You God once again..
*balik ke rumah, mandi dl :-D

*seriously, learn from my experience,
never take God for granted, cause God don't need us,
we need God. Period.

Friday, November 07, 2008

You may think it's unfair..

You may think it's unfair..

If it's about anything but this, it maybe is unfair..

But if there's one thing i must hold on to the rest of my life, this is it. It's principle. And i can't and won't compromise about it..

I'll try not to make this any harder, but so you know, i'm not changing my belief, ever.

-you gotta have something to held on to-