Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jam 3 pagi.

Jam 3 pagi.
Blm tidur.
Blm siap2 mau tidur.
Blm kasih makan hamster (uhuhu.. Maaf ya Pablo & Picasso).
Blm beres2 tas.

Hah, what started as a simple email check at 11, grown into hours of browsing the net.. Ahahaha..

~gapapa d sekali2 :p

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Not about romantic relationship

You're the best i ever have, you know it..

But is it wrong to hope that you're not the best i'll ever get?

Still waiting for the most fit person
*fingers crossed :D

Monday, February 16, 2009

"..We're trippin' on silly things.."

X : "oh, td ketemuan sm Y ya? Apa kabar dia? Masih gendut ga?"
Me : "Kenapa sih nanyanya itu melulu, fisik bgt"
X : "bukannya gitu... (bla,bla,bla..). Kamu tu negative thinking aja"
Me : hhh..

well that makes two of us then,
you see, it requires a negative thinker to judge someone to think negative..

I can't have a single civilized conversation with you. I haven't succeeded doing that.
Oh wait, we might had a couple when you're away him, when you're head clear, when you're sober.

But then he got into you again. Yes, i always clearly blame him,,, but now i'm thinking you're not as innocent as i thought you were.

We're not in the same page anymore. And i may be tired of trying sooner or later..

I hate this part of my life.

Monday, January 19, 2009

My Sixteen Things

Gw ud kena tag beberapa orang nih..
Daripada mengecewakan penggemar, here's my sixteen things, hope u enjoy reading it as i enjoyed listing it :

Gw :

- berada di kalangan yg bilang kalo makan gw lama.. Tp ah, lama itu kan relatif.. :-D

- ga tahan denger lagu2 "jelek", krn gw percaya itu bakal bikin bego, bgitu jg dgn film/sinetron..

- bs dbilang senang membaca,, komik, majalah, novel, buku2 pengembangan diri, tp ga bgitu suka buku terjemahan..

- ga suka tampil, tp senang bekerja di balik layar

- punya kcenderungan u/ mendahulukan org lain

- gw peduli, kadang terlalu peduli thdp org lain

- gw ga pinter nawar! Gw ngerasa itu bukan kewajiban gw u/ nawar, tp kewajiban penjual u/ ngasih harga yang bener.. Kalo dibandrol kan mereka yg dosa..

- I pay attention to details.. Bisa dibilang cenderung pefectionist dalam kadar tertentu.

- kesel bgt sama pemakai jalan yg ugal2an, terutama angkot & motor. Salah satu hal yg bikin gw mengumpat2..

- seneng mempelajari ttg manusia, u/ mengembangkan diri, u/ hubungan2 ke org lain.. Duh, kyknya salah jurusan ya gw..

- suka lagu2 yg liriknya bagus, kalau melodinya bagus, tp liriknya ble'e, bisa ilfil

- punya kcenderungan menggeneralisasi, bikin teori2 sndiri, mm.. bisa dibilang agak sotoy :-D

- oase gw saat stress : nonton serial komedi, baca komik, ke supermarket, ngobrol dgn tman2!

- punya minat dibidang foto/sinematografi & jurnalistik.. Damn, gw bner2 salah jurusan ni :-D

- waktu kecil suka dibilang gendut sm kluarga2 gw, padahal ga gendut, cuman buncit aja :-D

- cenderung introvert, sulit percaya sm org, skali dikhianatin, hmm, kalo dr pengalaman si.. bisa gawat deh pokoknya..

Yap, sudah 16 tuh,, hehe seru juga menyatakan fakta2 diri.. Kapan2 lagi aah.. :-P

Friday, January 16, 2009

Yes Man (No Spoiler)

Just watched Yes Man.
Nice movie, entertaining, uplifting, funny ofcourse, and silly like other Jim Carrey movie (Fun With Dick & Jane, Bruce Almighty), yet still have a meaning..

I like Zooey Deschanel character and the way she played it. A little too young to be compared with Jim Carrey (he's getting old, really, those wrinkles? Or should i say laugh mark? :-D ), but the couple on the movie were so sweet..

Allison's (Zooey's characther) clothes were also cute.. I like it. I think my friends could go ga-ga when they see it :-D

Anyway, love the movie. Go see it if you need a laugh..