Wednesday, November 22, 2006

sdikit perenungan..

Kalo lo ada di satu titik dimana lo udah berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk move on,
untuk beranjak dari titik itu, dan lo udah nunggu lama untuk bisa berubah,
beranjak dari titik itu, tapi tetep ga ada perubahan..

Apakah lo rela untuk mundur sejenak,
untuk melihat tempat lo berada dari perspektif yang berbeda?
Sekedar mengecek kembali, apakah lo udah mengambil jalan yang benar belum sebelumnya?
Apakah lo udah berada di tempat lo seharusnya dan sebaiknya berada?
Dan mungkin bila nemuin kesalahan, untuk mencoba mencari jalan baru lagi,
yang siapa tau lebih baik..

Ato lo akan terus berusaha menunggu perubahan itu terjadi..?
Lo udah yakin, titik ini adalah jalan terbaik buat gw,,
no need to rethink, cause i've made my thoughts yesterday,,
gw udah mikir kok dulu, sebelum gw ngambil keputusan ini,,
dan gw yakin, keputusan gw itu benar, INI yang TERBAIK buat gw..

Gw tau lah, istilah2nya,, idealnya tuh emang kita ga boleh putus asa kan?
You have to keep on going, don't ever give up..
Tapi kalo lo udah bener2 mentok deh,,
istilahnya, lo kayak ktemu jalan buntu,,
Lo bakal terus mengexplore jalan itu, atau lo bakal mundur dulu?
Lo bakal sabar nunggu keadaan berubah, atau mencari jalan baru?

Hidup itu berputar,, itu gw tau,, tapi apakah arah perputarannya konstan?
Apakah hidup harus selalu maju dan tidak pernah mundur?
Atau apakah kecapatannya yg konstan?
Hmm,, Kadang roda berhenti ditengah jalan kan..?
Then,, what will you do?

Saat roda lo seakan berhenti berputar,
saat maju adalah hal yang sulit untuk diusahakan..
Apakah lo memilih untuk mundur?
Atau terus mendorong roda itu agar tetap berjalan?


fyuh... berat.. berat... (n_n)v

Sunday, November 19, 2006

quick review

ok, this is the quick review of my life lately:

- watched indonesian movie 6.30, which turned out to be SUCKED,
damn, gw ktipu promosi lagi..

- somehow managed to do three midterm tests and,, -i hope- it'll come up alright

- there's a bit turbulence in my family, and surprisingly i involved in making it
stable again, hahaha, feel little bit proud of myself, i've grown up now..

- now searching for an object of affection, huhh,, my life is so empty,
yah,, resiko seorang jomblo,, enaknya mlihara apa ya?
tamagotchi? -terinspirasi si sincrut- tapi, gw lagi nabung,
mau maenin yg lama udah cupu gt..
pet? hmm,, boleh si, ada ga binatang yang ga mati kalo lupa dkasih makan? haha..
paling neopets,, yah elah, basi bener.. ikan kali ya?? hmmm..
ah ga seru gitu mlihara ikan, apa dong..
ah yasuwlah,, mlihara diri sndiri aja blom bener,,

- as usual there's task, task, task,, nice..

oh well that's mylife,

dissapeebaw -signing off-


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

note to self


dear megalomania

just admit it,
you just can't take it
when the crown is not on your head
you just can't take it
when you wake up & realize the world doesn't revolve around you

hey you dear megalomania,
i'm not your maid,
i'm not your servant,
i'm not your kid,
mind your own business
ruin your own life
you're not the boss of me

so what if my life don't go on as smooth as your life
so what if what if my stuff is dirty
so what if i did some mistakes
so what if i don't agree on what you've said
so what if according to your standard i'm not normal
who's normal?
what's normal?

just get a mirror and reflect yourself there
if you see a control freak
then that's not the mirror's fault

this is not your life
and this is not mine either
if the Owner of this life is okay with me
so why do you blabberin' about what i should do in life?

yeah, like your life is perfect
just look at you
if that kind of life is perfect
then i don't wanna be perfect

you can't act the way you do and said,
"Sorry i was on my period"
then i guess the whole year was your period

i feel sorry for you dear megalomania,
just control your own life
and don't mind mine
i like my life the way it is


Thursday, November 02, 2006

cool song..

hmm,, males ngapa2in,
males nge post,
lagi uts,
tugas banyak,
yah seperti biasa..

so,, ni sejenis pelarian juga si,
nyari2 lirik lagu saat mestinya ngerjain tugas,,

ni lagu asik punya lo..
mnunjukkan pandangan kalangan orang2
yang out of the circle, yang just not the "it" people
get it?

High School Never Ends - Bowling for Soup

Four years you think for sure
That's all you've got to endure
All the total dicks
All the stuck up chicks
So superficial, so immature
Then when you graduate
You take a look around and you say HEY WAIT
This is the same as where I just came from
I thought it was over
Aw that's just great

The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who's the best dressed and who's having sex,
Who's got the money, who gets the honeys,
Who's kinda cute and who's just a mess
And you still don't have the right look
And you don't have the right friends
Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends
High school never ends

Check out the popular kids
You'll never guess what Jessica did
How did Mary Kate lose all that weight
And Katie had a baby so I guess Tom's straight
And the only thing that matters
Is climbing up that social ladder
Still care about your hair and the car you drive
Doesn't matter if you're sixteen or thirty-five

Reese Witherspoon,
She's the prom queen
Bill Gates,
Captain of the chess team
Jack Black, the clown
Brad Pitt, the quarterback
I've seen it all before
I want my money back

The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who's the best dressed and who's having sex,
Who's in the clubs and who's on the drugs,
Who's throwing up before they digest
And you still don't have the right look
And you don't have the right friends
And you're still listen to the same shit you did back then
High school never ends

High school never ends

tugas2,, menghilanglah!!!
