Sunday, November 19, 2006

quick review

ok, this is the quick review of my life lately:

- watched indonesian movie 6.30, which turned out to be SUCKED,
damn, gw ktipu promosi lagi..

- somehow managed to do three midterm tests and,, -i hope- it'll come up alright

- there's a bit turbulence in my family, and surprisingly i involved in making it
stable again, hahaha, feel little bit proud of myself, i've grown up now..

- now searching for an object of affection, huhh,, my life is so empty,
yah,, resiko seorang jomblo,, enaknya mlihara apa ya?
tamagotchi? -terinspirasi si sincrut- tapi, gw lagi nabung,
mau maenin yg lama udah cupu gt..
pet? hmm,, boleh si, ada ga binatang yang ga mati kalo lupa dkasih makan? haha..
paling neopets,, yah elah, basi bener.. ikan kali ya?? hmmm..
ah ga seru gitu mlihara ikan, apa dong..
ah yasuwlah,, mlihara diri sndiri aja blom bener,,

- as usual there's task, task, task,, nice..

oh well that's mylife,

dissapeebaw -signing off-


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