Thursday, July 09, 2009

Comment on the movie : "Transformers 2 : Revenge of The Fallen"

It's totally a boys' movie.

Let's see :

  • there're talking robots who could transform into cool vehicle and doing fights in Matrix style (Yeah, like that's not confusing at all)

  • there's Megan Fox, running on slow-mo (aah, the old Baywatch tricks, never dies)

See what I mean?
It's a movie made by (big) boys and for boys.

What's left for us girls was just Josh Duhamel, who remained charming even when he only appeared in short scenes.
(take note guys, it's the "charm" that counts.. :p)

Long story short, I'm not impressed by the movie.

Let's watch some cheesy-predictable-yet-sweet romantic comedy movie instead.
Hmm.. wonder when "The Proposal" come up (on big screen or on DVD, :p)

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