Saturday, April 14, 2007

Previous Thougts

Gw nemu tulisan2 gw dulu, yang kayaknya belom gw post. Daripada ilang, gw post aja..
Kliatan deh, gw dulu yg masih emosian & menggebu-gebu,, ahh,, masa muda itu..
(emang skarang umur brapa non? hehe)

18-8-2005, 3rd floor, SMAN 8, Bukitduri Jakarta, 07:37
There, in their eyes, I see a lot of passion.
I see their inner child, when they're trying to put those balls into the ring.
They're happy, genuinly happy..
Their innocent faces; funny, and relaxing, for those who observe them.
Those who became victim of an unfair rule.

They smiled. They laughed. They frauned.
They're happy, genuinly happy...

24-8-2005, Family Room, Jatipadang House, 09:55 PM
God, the sound of a larbouring mom is same as the sound of -as i imagined- a tortured dead man inside the ground.
I'm scared, but it also made me have more respect on moms.

Salute to all the mothers in the world!

It takes so much strength and sacrifation to larbouring a child that will only be disrespecful to you. How disgraciuos we are.

God, please help me be a respectful child now and a great mother then. Amin.

28-02-2006, 10:30 AM
Okay, setau gw, kalau sesuatu sudah disepakati bersama, demi kepentingan bersama, you cannot argue about it anymore.. Kalau mau debat, ngutarain pendapat, atau ga setuju, ya waktu proses pengambilan keputusan itu dong bilangnya,, Jangan pas udah semua udah setuju, udah fix, lo baru bilang ga setuju, baru protes..

Hey!! Where have you been honey? Kemana aja lo waktu ada musyawarah?
Kemana aja lo pas lagi voting? Gw sih ngliat lo ada di situ, tapi diem2 aja, setuju2 aja, mungkin otak lo lagi jalan2 ke mall waktu itu,,
Gw ga tau lo selemot itu.
Selama itu lo mikir, dan "Snap!" tiba2 aja lo bilang ga setuju, dan mau ngubah keputusan?

Push those BIG EGO down honey,, pikirin orang lain juga, dunia ga cuma ada lo dan kronco-kronco lo doang lho..


- ahh.. masa-masa itu.. (jijay)..-

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