Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Don't you see?

One thing that keep me from being independent is your money..

Don't you see?

Monday, March 09, 2009



Lo salah strategi dis,
nobody likes clingy people..

Could you give me a break?
I'm human too, for crying out loud.
A bored one for sure.

All i need is a friend,
i'm lonely here.


Would you settle for an "ok"?

okay, let's say...
you've been searching for a specific rock.
you're looking for the one that's perfect in your eyes,
the one that has a perfect shape, size, color..

you patiently searching, looking for this rock.
you look at other rock-searcher.
some of them seem already found their rock.
some of them still trying like you do.
keep searching, and searching..

sometimes you get tired,
sometimes you want to gave up,
yet you managed to move on.

at some point,
when you've been searching for long,
you find a rock,
that's not as perfect as you've pictured,
not exactly you're looking for,
but it's kinda close..

it's not the perfect one.
it's the "ok" one..

would you settle for that one?

or would you throw that away,
and search for the perfect one,
the one you've been looking for,
but haven't found it yet.

will you ever, at some point,
gave up your wish to get the perfect rock,
thinking that'll never be a perfect one for you.

if so, when will you gave up?

if not, well..
how much longer will you managed to stay searching?

what if there is no such thing as a perfect rock?
what if everybody turns out to be settling for the "ok" one?


my mind now tell me not to settle for the "ok" one,
that maybe it's somebody else's perfect rock.

but what if someone already took MY perfect rock?
is it possible?
what if someone's settling with my perfect rock?
then what do i do?

this rock-searching is confusing.

*sapa suruh nyariin batu, hehe :P

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


"Since when you've became so mature & calm?

- Since i met you..

- And you? Since when you've became childly and fun?

Since i met you.."

...then we both smile...


*hush, ngayal aja.. :p

Sunday, March 01, 2009

..boleh salah, tapi ga boleh bohong..

Gw sangat terkesan sama ucapan dosen MSI,
Bapak dr. Iik Wilarso pada kuliah Jumat, 27 Feb lalu..

"Seorang scientist itu boleh salah, tapi ga boleh bohong.."

I couldn't agree more Sir!

Beliau saat itu sedang membahas masalah penyantuman referensi dalam karya2 ilmiah.

Beliau kurang lebih menyatakan,
sebetulnya tidak apa2 kalau meng"copy-paste",
(sedang membicarakan tugas2 yang sering kopas)
tapi ya tolong dicantumkan referensi nya..

karena kalau tidak, itu seperti bilang "ini ide gue",
padahal bukan..

Beliau juga bilang (kurang lebih) begini,
semua karya ilmiah itu pasti ada referensinya,
karena pasti mereka cari2, belajar dulu dari penelitian sebelumnya,
masa mau mulai dari nol lagi?
trus mengabaikan progress yang sudah dibuat peneliti sebelumnya, gitu?

wah. keren2.
totally make sense.

lalu setelah mengatakan statement
"Seorang scientist itu boleh salah, tapi ga boleh bohong.." itu,
beliau bilang..

"...lain kalau politisi...."


and i suddenly lost my interest.. :)