Friday, January 16, 2009

Yes Man (No Spoiler)

Just watched Yes Man.
Nice movie, entertaining, uplifting, funny ofcourse, and silly like other Jim Carrey movie (Fun With Dick & Jane, Bruce Almighty), yet still have a meaning..

I like Zooey Deschanel character and the way she played it. A little too young to be compared with Jim Carrey (he's getting old, really, those wrinkles? Or should i say laugh mark? :-D ), but the couple on the movie were so sweet..

Allison's (Zooey's characther) clothes were also cute.. I like it. I think my friends could go ga-ga when they see it :-D

Anyway, love the movie. Go see it if you need a laugh..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kunjungan ke Dokter Mata

Baru saja berkunjung ke dokter mata, periksa saja, mengingat belakangan ini mata saya sering bekerja lembur melebihi jam kerja semestinya, dengan semua ujian, kuliah, nonton, dsb..

Hasilnya? Mata kanan katanya minus 1/4, lainnya ga dibahas si. Belum perlu pakai kacamata, kalau makan teratur + vitamin, insyaAllah ga tambah parah..

Komentar dokternya : "biasanya umur2 segini suka kebanyakan pakai komputer.."
Gw ketawa aja,
kalo kuliahnya komputer, gimana dong dok? :)

Monday, January 05, 2009


Jalanan di Jakarta itu sinting.
Rame bgt, gada yg mau ngalah, ga tertib peraturan, mepet2 seenaknya, ga takut mati, ga peduli sekitarnya, ngaco, parkir sembarangan, angkot brenti seenak udel, bus2 ga sadar badan, tempramental, pabrik polusi..

Sintiing, sinting..

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm so lucky i have you..

I'm sorry you had to be my test case..

Thank you for helping me be a better person :-)

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Things about relationship

If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be.