Monday, June 16, 2008

I realized

160608 - 11:08 AM

Disela-sela kuliah Desain dan Analisis Algoritma (DAA) yang sayangnya gw jalani dengan terngantuk-ngantuk krn kmaren tidurnya kemaleman, (eh ato kepagian ya, hoho..) gw menyadari bahwa semua orang itu ingin dianggap spesial..
(lha. gada hubungannya sama DAA, hakakak,, ga konsen berat gw..)

Iya, gw baru sadar, orang2 dengan keunikannya masing2 ternyata ingin dianggap spesial, berbeda dengan yang lainnya..

Dan sepertinya gw selama ini melupakan itu, ha..

gw baru sadar, betapa ga enak rasanya kalo ngerasa ga spesial,
ga ada bedanya lo sama yang lain,
kalo lo ga ada, ya udah gapapa, toh sama yang lain juga sama aja..
ga enak lo jadi seseorang yang replaceable.
Jadi ga ada bedanya sama barang.
Salah satu yang ngebedain manusia sama robot kan,
bahwa manusia bisa memberi efek yang berbeda-beda untuk hidup tiap-tiap orang disekitarnya.

dan selama ini kayaknya gw kurang menunjukkan sm orang2 sekitar gw,
betapa spesial mereka buat gw,
betapa keberadaan mereka membawa perubahan
dan seperti kata2 klise di undangan2 zaman dulu,
"sungguh tiada kesan tanpa kehadiranmu", hee..

yeah, gw tadinya secara tidak sadar berpikiran kalau
..menunjukkan ketertarikan dan perhatian kita kepada orang lain
itu sama seperti menunjukkan kelemahan gw.
..menunjukkan betapa berartinya mereka untuk gw
itu seperti menunjukkan kalau gw ga bisa apa-apa tanpa mereka.
..menunjukkan kalau hari-hari gw akan berbeda kalau tidak ada mereka,
itu sama seperti menunjukkan kalau gw tergantung kepada mereka.

ey, ternyata ga gitu juga.
ternyata dengan gw menahan semua perasaan gw di dalem,
ga bikin gw lebih kuat,
ga bikin gw lebih nyaman dengan diri gw, nope,
kalaupun ada rasa2 lebih nyaman, itu cuman semu, ga tahan lama

gw justru lebih nyaman sekarang, dengan konsep pemikiran baru ini,
gw jadi lebih lega, bebas, tanpa beban.
kalo emang mereka berarti buat gw, ya ga usah ditutup2in.

Emang kenapa sih kalau mereka tau? Kalau orangnya baik si mereka akan welcome,
kalau orangnya ga baik, ya bukan masalah lo,
it's their problem, it's not your fault, he.

dan kalaupun itu akan menunjukkan kelemahan gw, ya gapapalah orang2 tau,
kan ga ada orang yang sempurna, so untuk apa menutup-nutupi kekurangan?

Nobody's perfect, everybody knows that.
So what's the point in pretending to be one?

malah jadi busuk sendiri di dalem,
mendingan dibiarin aja,
biar orang-orang sekitar kita jadi tau dan mengerti kita apa adanya..
Toh kita jujur, ga menutup-nutupi sesuatu, ga ada yang salah dengan itu kan?

Anyway, back to the whole special thing,
i really think it's important to let people around you
know how much they matter to you,
and i mean, each and every person in your life.

Lo juga kan pasti seneng kalau tau
keberadaan lo membawa perubahan di hidup seseorang,
kalau lo tuh spesial, beda dari yang lain,
lo punya arti tersendiri untuk seseorang.
seneng kan kalo tau itu?

Each person must have different effect in your world,
they give different color, with each own RGB combination. he.
Do not take them for granted,
or your world will be colorless, not even black and white.
Let people know what they actually do to your life.
Let them know that they matter to you.

And as the famous quotation said "You don't know what you got until it's gone"
Yaiks, we don't need another living proof
of how right that quote is, so don't be one.

Tell your family, friends, and people around you,
how much each and everyone of them means to you,
how they change your days, how they make you smile,
how the day will be so boring without them,
how you miss them when they're not around..

And throw those BIG ego to the dumpster.
you really don't need another burden in your life,
trust me, it'll make your day so much easier
but, yeah, i know, it's easier said than done..
All i can say is,
there's really no excuse to not doing the right thing,
hey, they don't call it the "right" thing for nothing. ha.

Ngomong2 kok jadi nulisnya bilingual gini, haha, semoga yang baca ga bingung :P

-pelajaran dari kuliah DAA adalah, semua orang itu spesial, hehe-

Sunday, June 15, 2008

No Mockery Needed


to make the world a better place.

Besides, it don't do you any good other than
give a fake boost on your ego and decreasing other's self-esteem

Hey, I'm no saint, i sometimes (with or without intention) ridicule other,
I admit it was kinda fun, ha, but most kind of bad things is fun,
if it wasn't, it wouldn't be so hard to neglect, he..
plus it's definitely not fun for the one whose being mocked.
Hey, you must treat others like how you want to be treated, right?

so I'm trying to quit, or at least minimize my mockery act,
I think you should too..

lets make this world a better place.

hey, we only got one world,
we only have one life,
we better not mess it up.

Messed Up


Yeah, what a messed up situation,

why do i feel like I'm the only one who's using common sense around here?


Friday, June 13, 2008


Kadang gw suka bingung sama lo,
sebenernya lo emang ga tau cara berhubungan yang baik dengan orang,
atau emang sengaja sih?

Cause as far as i know,
what you did (or didn't do) aren't help to make people close to you,

And just because i already know you,
doesn't mean you could take me for granted.
doesn't mean i will always understand what you do.
doesn't mean i couldn't walk away.

cause i could,
i just haven't done it
and i wish i won't ever have do it
but you didn't make things any easier, mate, just so you know..

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sometimes You Just Have To Let It Go..... or Not?

When you've wait long enough for someone to change,
but they aren't going to change...
"..yet", you said to yourself..

When you constantly waiting for good news
but all you've got is the opposite...

When you started to ask yourself,
are they really worth all the heartache and pain,
and you're not sure what's the answer..

When you're telling yourself, "That's It.",
but change your mind every five minutes...

When your brain continuously think of them,
you can't stop it, and not sure if you want to stop it,
it's becoming a habit, an addiction

when that time comes, sometimes i have a thought just to let you go,
release you, not to try anymore, loosen my hands around you,
then my life possibly would be much more simpler.

but then again,

if I let you go,

I'm not sure i would have a life.
