Friday, June 02, 2006

Huahh.. Blog-ku...

Gile ya.. gw terakhir nge-post itu TAUN LALU lo!!

maaf ya fans-fans ku, for keeping you all waiting that long,, (go ahead, puke.. n_n)

there's so many things I want to write here, but hmphh,, real life comes first,
I still have to deal with all that ujian2 thing, and SPMB (yang tinggal 1 bulan lagi,,, doakan yah!)

Hmmhhh... kok aneh ya, pas mau online prasaan ada banyak yang mau dcritain, tp pas ud di depan mata, tinggal nulis, lupa semua... Ahh tidak,, aku sudah tua!! (Btw, I'm officially 17 now! haha)

ok d, this is my post for now, simpe and ga jelas, emang, kayak gw gitu.. hehe..
Kalau tnyata abis post ini gw lama lagi ga nge-post,, jangan takut jangan kuatir bukan sulap bukan sihir ya,, kmungkinan besar gw lagi bergelut membangun hidup yang terbaik..
So.. Doakan saya ya (o_o)v


Sunday, November 06, 2005

mellownya kumat..

Check this one out... Romantic in it's own way.. hix..
Ryan Cabrera
Album: You Stand Watching
Title: Shine On

i`ve given every moment i had
but i could never seem to keep up with you
you`re done with one mile and onto another one thousand
still i could never seem to keep up with you

i know you`ll be better of without me when i`m gone
you know you`re, you`re beautiful, you`re beautiful
shine on, you were made to shine on and you know i love you
and even if we can or can`t be friends
i`ll be with you until the very end so
shine on you were made to

it`s keepin me awake every night
but i can never seem to give up on you
i send up a prayer then i`m on to another one thousand
but i can never seem to give up on you

i know you`ll be better of without me when i`m gone
you know you`re, you`re beautiful, you`re beautiful
shine on, you were made to shine on and you know i love you
and even if we can or can`t be friends
i`ll be with you until the very end so
shine on

nobody`s wrong
nobody`s right
keep movin on

shine on you were made to shine on
shine on you were made to shine on
and you know i love you
and even if we can or can`t be friends
you`re gonna be brighter than you`ve ever been so shine on
you`re gonna be just fine
you`re gonna be alright love
you`re gonna be just fine
you`re gonna be alright love


lagunya bagus...
mau dong dinyanyiin...

gini deh kalo lagi PMS, mellownya keluar..
yah sabar aja deh..



post terakhir sekalian bwt Idul Fitri yah,,
(iya, gw tau, gw emg males..)
Maaf atas kemalasanku,,

Selamat Idul Fitri Semua!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Mohon Maaf

Hai all, kan udah mau masuk bulan puasa ni, bulan Ramadhan, naa.. supaya kita bisa ngejalanin puasa dengan baik, supaya afdol Ramadhannya, supaya tidak ada dusta diantara kita (ciiieh, kyk tembang --yeeaa tembang!) ane mau minta maaf ni ame ente2 smue (lo kok jadi arab-betawi gini)..

ya,, semua ksalahan2 gw, keisengan2 gw, kekhilafan2 gw, kejahatan2 gw, ke-ga jelas-an2 gw, hinaan2 gw, ucapan2 gw, perbuatan2 gw, pokoknya semua hal yang pernah gw lakukan dan membuat kalian tidak enak hati (hiks).
Gw yakin ada banyak banget dosa gw ama kalian semua, jadi mohon dimaafkan ya... tulus dari hati nih, semoga kita semua mendapat ampunan dari Yang Mahakuasa, amiin..

Buat semua yang gw kenal, mohon maaf krn gw sering nyebelin.
Buat semua yang kenal gw, mohon maaf krn gw sering nyuekin
Buat semua yang gw ga kenal, mohon maaf krn gw belum knalan
Buat semua yang ga kenal gw, dimaafkan krn belum kenal gw (lho?), mohon maaf krn gw suka nglantur, seperti sekarang ini, hehe..

Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin ya..
semoga diterima ibadahnya, amin..

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Why God didnt (or hasnt?) gave us the ability to see the future

Reason why God didnt give us the ability to see through the future is so we can have a meaningful life. If you gave someone their future, theyd have no future. They’d have no hope, no ambition, no life, since they already knew what it would turn like when their going to do stuff. We build our own future by doing things in the present. If we already knew our future, wed have nothing left to do.

On the movie Paycheck (Dir: John Woo, Act: Ben Affleck, Uma Thurman) an engineer was hired to build a machine that could make us see the future. And it ended up being a mess. The machine predicted war, we prepared for the war. All of the nations prepared for the war. They trained their armies, they tested their weapons, they made new technologies. Then the war itself came from the preparation they had made. The machine predicted a disease. We made a chemical preparation to prevent the predicted disease. Then it turned out, what we had made is the predicted disease itself. In the movie, the engineer tried to abolish the machine he had made with all effort.

With us, the greedy-bad attitude human as the leader of the world, it is another perfect decision God made, to make us cannot see into the future…yet.. (We never know, are we?)