Sunday, March 28, 2004

Lagi iseng2.. eh...

mood: inspired..

Tadinya niat awal gw buka internet buat iseng2 aja, niatnya cuman bentar, liat2 blog orang, trus udah..
tapi setelah mlihat postingannya deeta yang ttg malpraktek jadi terinspirasi buat nge-post juga nih.. hehe..

ngomongin malpraktek, ksalahan2 dlm dunia medis, emang ga bisa dihindari, considering.. doctors are human, and human make mistakes.. slain contoh yg bisa lo liat di blog nya deeta ,

here's another story :

nyokap gw pernah baca di koran, ttg ibu yg anaknya menderita autis/autisme...
anak nya kliatan kena autis sejak umur 8 bulan, sebelum2nya ga ada tanda2 sama sekali,,
sang ibu lalu meneliti kasus anaknya ini, dan ternyata anaknya itu, pernah minum obat kalo ga salah sejenis antibiotik, yg dikasih dari sebuah rumah sakit besar, dan ternyata obat itu punya efek samping yg mengakibatkan anaknya jd autis..
dan ternyata lagi,, obat itu sebetulnya udah di-reject di Amerika sana, udah dilarang beredar di Amerika, dan entah knapa dinas kesehatan bisa meloloskan obat itu, masuk ke indonesia, dan beredar di masyarakat..

gw mikir,, duh, sebuah obat gt.. obat yang seharusnya menyembuhkan malah menimbulkan penyakit baru..

kalo udah kyk gini, kita bisa apa? mo ngapain lagi? mo narik obat itu dari pasaran yang begitu luas? ato mo nglarang masyarakat yang segini banyaknya untuk ga pake obat itu? Trus ini baru 1 jenis obat, yang ktauan, yang lain?? siapa tau obat2 yang biasa kita pake bisa menimbulkan efek samping yang kita ga tau, tiba2 kita sakit aja gt..

Hhhh... *inhale,exhale..

World and it's complicated problems..

forgive me my chin by peebaw
forgive me my chin,,
for pressing the pimple out off you
fogive me my chin..
i know that was a stupid things to do
fogive me my chin..
for making you real blue
forgive me my chin..

hwee.. my new layout just to sweet for me dont you think??
silahkan beri komentar..

Monday, March 22, 2004


mood:biasa2 aja

I took some quiz in Quizilla, and here's the results:

Which Lord of the Rings couple would be your dream parents? Pictures and longish answers.
brought to you by Quizilla

Galadriel and Celeborn

Your ideal Middle-Earth parents are Celeborn and
Galadriel! You live in the beautiful woods of
Lothlorien. You are an elf! Your parents are
very wise and will always be fair with you.
They also give very good presents that seem
cheesy until you realize that they are exactly
what you need. Your mother is as beautiful as
the dawn, which means that you will be either
handsome or beautiful yourself and your guy
friends will want to hang out at your flet all
the time to look at Galadriel. Arwen, Elladan
and Elrohir are your niece and nephews, and
Elrond is your brother-in-law.

Your Middle-Earth mama is a psychic, which means
that you can never, ever lie to her. She is
the disciplinarian and will do her best to see
that you become a wise and noble elf.

Your Middle-Earth dad will try to be your best
friend. He is the one to ask when you want
money for concert tickets or permission to go
to a party. Since he will really want to
impress you with his hipness you shall be
forced to listen to him butcher teenage jargon.
Example: What up, homechild! Thou art trippin
in that tunic, yo? Try to keep him from doing
this in public. Even with all that, Celeborn
will spoil you, which you will enjoy, so live
it up!

Wahh.. What a dream come true!! Hwaxhwax.. ;D

Which male celebrity are you going to marry?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are going to marry Brad Pitt. He is always
friendly to anybody he ever meets and he is
very talented as an actor. He is also very
sincere and friendly. He will respect you until
the day he dies. Congrats!!

YES!!! This quiz is great! Hwakakakakakakakakkakak!!! LOL
tp pilihannya ada Justin T, Ashton K, Freddy Prince Jr., Wuuw.. Tempting right? Hwaxhwax..

What Sound Are You?(now w/ pics)
brought to you by Quizilla


Babie's laughter: Warm, kind and loving; a baby's
laugh represents you. You are very innocent and
enjoy the simple things in life. You are
probably very good with children and have a
positive, happy soul.

Awww.. Co Cweet!!!

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

you smell like butt

congratulations. you are the "you smell like
butt" bunny. your brutally honest and
always say whats on your mind.

Well I guess I am..

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

My inner child is ten years old today

My inner child is ten years old!

The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.

Well I'm 15 right now,, Maybe I should take the test again when I'm 40 or something.. Right?? hehehe..

What type of eyes do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your: Happy eyes! Your cheerfull, bright and always want to try something new. Your inquisitive and quite lovable. You have many friends and will succseed in life.
Your: Happy eyes! Your cheerfull, bright and always
want to try something new. Your inquisitive and
quite lovable. You have many friends and will
succseed in life.

Amiin.. hahaha,, quiz nya simple bgt deh,,

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

innocent kiss
innocent kiss - you're cute and sweet and like it
that way

ihik..ihik.. jd malu

You are NEMO!

What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Udah ah...

Sunday, March 21, 2004

hhuuuuuuwwwwwaaaaa!!! *ga jelas

mood:seneng2 sedih..

Never Again
Justin Timberlake
(J. Timberlake, B. McKnight)

Would have given up my life for you
Guess it's true what they say about love
It's blind
Girl, you lied straight to my face
Lookin in my eyes
And I believed you cause I loved you more than life
And all you had to do
Was apologize...

You didn't say you're sorry
I don't understand
You don't care that you hurt me
And now I'm half the man
That I used to be when it was you and me
You didn't love me enough
My heart may never mend
And you'll never get to love me, again

No, no, no, no, no, no...

Sadness has me at the end of the line
Helpless, watched you break this heart of mine
And loneliness only wants you back here with me
Common sense knows that you're not good enough for me
And all you had to do
Was apologize, and mean it

But you didn't say you're sorry
I don't understand
You don't care that you hurt me
And now I'm half the man
That I used to be when it was you and me
You didn't love me enough
My heart may never mend
And you'll never get to love me

Wish like hell I could go back in time
Maybe then I could see how..
Forgiveness says that I should give you one more try
But it's too late, it's over now

You didn't say you're sorry
I don't understand
You don't care that you hurt me
And now I'm half the man
That I used to be when it was you and me
You didn't love me enough
My heart may never mend
And you'll never get to love me

Again, yeah, yeah
Again, again, again, yeah, yeah, yeah
Never get to love me

*duh mas Justin bikin lagu dalem bgt yah??

Btw, kmaren gw ultah.. HEPI BERSDEY TO ME, BON ANIVERSER *ngaco2 dikit gpplah..

Trus skola gw hari jumat libur, dan hari snen kan hari libur nasional,,
sbagai anak yang -tidakbegitusukablajar- mestinya gw sneng..
Tp gw MATI GAYA NEEHH!! Miss my friends!!
Sumpe de,, suerr!! (0_0)V

hmmm2.. sudah jam 10 malam dan saya belum makan..

hmmm2.. td pagi kpala saya berat banget, pusing jadinya..

hmmm2.. saya sedang mengagumi keajaiban internet sekarang..

hmmm2.. saya sungguh bingung tentang hidup ini..

hmmm2.. saya bingung sedang apa saya sekarang..

hmmm2.. saya sungguh bingung kenapa Anda masih membaca postingan saya yang tidak jelas ini..

*seemed like aliens brainwashed me.. hahahaha*

Friday, March 19, 2004


mood: sakit perut

Duh.. ni pasti gara2 gw makan kangkung stengah rantang tadi siang...
jadi m*ncr*t2 di tngah malam bgini...

Susah sih punya badan bagus (*boooo!!!) jadi sensitif..

*eh kalo makan kangkung stenga rantang trus m*ncr*t2, itu badan gw yang sensitif ato gw nya yang dodol yah??

no time to think..

*rush to the restroom...

Hikmah dari cerita ini adalah :
Kalo mo makan kangkung stenga rantang jangan siang2..
*lho?? ga guna hikmahnya...

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Wuhh.. "Skolah Unggulan" neeh..

mood: berapi-api

Geezz.. kadang2 bisa jadi beban banget ya skola di 8??!!
dengan predikat "skolah unggulan"nya,,
kadang2 orang2nya terlalu "maksain" untuk mempertahankan predikat itu..

Man!! Baru aja slese UH.. blom HER2nya,,
anak2 kelas 1 udah dbebanin lagi dengan LKS???
anak2 kelas 1 udah dbebanin lagi dengan LKS???

LKS = Latihan Kepemimpinan Siswa
LKS = Lagi Kena Sial
LKS = Loh Kok Kakak2nyagalak?

Buat yang belom tau aja,, murid2 juga manusia,, salah satu kebutuhan manusia adalah..*inget plajaran dulu*

well mungkin itu bukan beban bagi sbagian orang,, sorry for those people, bukan maxud ngajak brantem ato apa,,
yah,, skedar mengeluarkan unek2 aja,, kyknya baru 2 mingguan kita tenang2,, asik2,, pergi ksekolah dengan tersenyum :)..
skarang siap2 aja 8 akan BANJIR lagi,, tapi kali ini banjir air mata..

Sapa sih yang bikin konsep "kaderisasi" skrg?,,
yang mengharuskan senior2nya untuk membantah SEMUA perkataan caangnya,, ga pduli salah ato bener..
yang mengharuskan caang2nya yang masih beradaptasi untuk mengetahui semua informasi,,
yang mengharapkan -caangyangsudahtrerlanjurketakutan- ..
untuk bisa deket dgn seniornya -yangsudahterlanjurdicapgalak-..

Dan amazingly masih ada lo yang memberi alasan karena TRADISI..
malu2in.. masa anak "skola unggulan" ga bisa bedain tradisi yang baik dan yang buruk??

yah mungkin hasilnya berkesan,, tp apakah tidak ada cara lain??
apakah diantara murid2 "sekolah unggulan" ini tidak ada yang bisa mengajukan 1 alternatif cara "meresmikan" anggota baru??
yang lebih menguntungkan smua pihak..

Tmen gw ada yang ampe muntah2 gara2 takut mo ngumpul sama kakak kelasnya..
Padahal tmen gw ini termasuk yang bagus banget kerjanya..
Tmen gw lagi ada yang ngamuk2 sambil bw2 cutter stress pas kaderisasi..
Kayak gitu tuh dampak kaderisasi subsie dulu..

Skarang mreka nyalahin kita karena ga smangat ikut lks..
Gw bilang si wajar,, kita2 udah trauma dengan kaderisasi yang dulu2..
Dan skarang we have to experience another nightmare?? na ah.. not me..
Dalam otak kita udah terbentuk kesan -kakakkelasyanggalak-..
Sorry bro, sorry sis,, but you made a wrong first immpression..