Sunday, November 17, 2013

7 sifat pemuda

7 sifat pemuda yang dibanggakan Allah:
1. Selalu semangat berjiwa muda
2. Memiliki iman yang jujur kepada Allah
3. Selalu menambah ilmu (hidayah)
4. Bersatu, tidak saling menjelekkan
5. Aktif, mengajak orang laim berbuat baik
6. Berdakwah, memperkenalkan Allah
7. Bertauhid, beriman hanya kepada Allah, tidak mau kepada selain Allah

QS Al Kahfi : 13-14
Majelis Pengajian Ahad Pagi, Mesjid Raya Pondok Indah

Friday, November 08, 2013

Backpacking Tips

-Pack light
-Be self-sufficient
-Manage your bladder
-Eat accordingly
-Sharing = fun
-Be punctual yet flexible : you would want to be everyone's source of fun, not their source of stress
-Alone we go fast, together we go far
-Be practical; use diposable panty, kain bali instead of pants for water-related activities

Saturday, October 19, 2013

What is this?

What is this?

Why do your hobby same as mine?

Why do we have so much in common?

Why did it seems I waited for your reply before I can sleep?

What kind of sorcery is this?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bad News (?)

Of course I'm sad.
But then again, I look around and found I have so many to thankful for.
It'd be selfish for me to complained.

Let's make this opportunity to grow and be better.

Dear God,
I'm a sinner, I'm closer to you when I need something.
I'll be better.
You're my only place to pray.
You're my only hope.
With Your Greatness and Kindness, I plead You not to forget me.
Your Guidance is my only help.
I'll be better.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Itsy bitsy things

What I learned about myself:
- The right part of my body seems to be more sensitive than the left (e.g. more ticklish)
- when I'm alone, I prefer pitch black darkness when sleeping