Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sneakers-holic -- Gagal


What a unique way to say "you do not need another shoes just yet, Dis.."

Thank You Dear God,
You've saved me from an unwise use of money..

Sepatunya ga ada ukurannya semua...

Haa.... :D

Thursday, October 02, 2008


someone please put down those sale sign already!

How many shoes do i have to buy?

*Halah, gaya lu dis, br beli satu jg.. He..



my foot look nice :)

Tp serius, ngiler ni gw ngliat sneakers2 itu bertengger dgn cukup terjangkau, huhu..




*beli ga ya?? Mumpung libur ni.. Hmm..

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Another simple bliss

Do you know how good it feels to shalat berjamaah?
seriously, when you pay close attention to it,
it's beyond AMAZING,
it's,, Subhanallah deh..

You know, that warm feeling just soothe you in an indescribable way
you just feels safe, comfortable, warm.. it's so nice.
Subhanallah walhamdulillah walaailaahailallahu Allahu Akbar!

even though in my situation, it's hot,
the sweat that come off when you're praying to God,
when you surrender yourself to The Almighty,
just make you wanna be close to God even more...

it's beyond amazing,

I can't put another word to describe it,
you should try it yourself

I'm shiver when this thought came out,
do you shiver when reading this?

Btw, it's Ramadhan again! yay!
happy shaum ya guys.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


1:15 AM - 300808

right now I'm eager to see my life change,
I don't really like the way some things are.

Lookin' forward to see the other page,
I wanna click the remote control, press FF,
I wanna yell "next!"

oh well,
i guess i may have to be patient,
perhaps God have another plans for me,
like they said, "Everything will be beautiful when the time's right"

right now I'm like waiting for the next show to start,
and wishing when it does,
it's gonna be one heck of a show (hopefully in a good way)....

Friday, August 29, 2008

Watch your mouth!

one day, after a long & tiring afternoon,
I sat on a chair, just to take some rest,
not wanting to make conversation with anybody,
not wanting to even speak to anybody,
cause I'm freakin' tired and so (as I thought) everybody else.
There's only a couple of guys in the room,
and everyone was as tired as me.
it was a long day for everybody...

then came one man,
with big grin in his face, trying to (i guess) be cheery and friendly,
well at first that's fine,
he was trying to make conversation with me i guess,
but he did it in a very annoying way,
he started asking inappropriate question,
I'd been trying to keep my cool as the annoying question continues,
he didn't seem to get it when i lamely trying to avoid him and his question,
then went one unimportant line after another,
i was trying to be nice and polite,
i didn't want to turn him down so straightly, it might came off rude.
then one sentence came off his mouth, that burned me:
"Dasar manja."

Man,, serius, semua sumpah serapah langsung meledak di kepala gw,
untung ga keluar di mulut, Alhamdulillah masih bisa nahan diri,
kalo ga bisa jotos-jotosan di tempat tuh ( hehe, preman abis :) )
Man, you don't know ANYTHING about me, how dare you called me spoiled!
you have NO IDEA what i've been through,
you don't even know me, for God sake,
and who are you to judge, dude?!
Anjr*t ( Astagfirullah, sorry God >.< )
gila ya!

(*he.. notice the language change? he, that represents how pissed off i was, he..)

serius, gw langsung males ngomong sama dia,
ampe besoknya ktemu dia lagi,
biasanya gw masih ngeladenin,
walau emang omongannya keseringan ga penting,
tapi, yah biasanya gw brusaha sopan lah, ngeladenin bentar,
ini ga, gw cuekin aja,
dia terus negur2 sih, tapi bodo ah,
gile, masih kepikiran ucapannya, betapa ga pentingnya..

ini mungkin peringatan juga sih dari Yang Maha Mengetahui,
he, gw ga bisa mungkir, mulut gw sering buat dosa,
ucapan2 gw, kata2nya, kadang nyelekit2 pedes.
kadang sengaja, kadang ga sengaja,,

he, when i wanna hurt somebody, i can do it with painful words, *bad habit
but when the words come unintentionally,
sometimes a simple "sorry" can't undo it.

though learning i got here..

soo guys,, (and me..)
be careful about what you're saying to other people,
think before you talk, don't do it otherwise.
seriously, think before you talk,
cause even a single word can make a heart breaks.
(hey, it's a good tagline :D )