Sunday, July 21, 2013

Happiness Tracking : Start! - Writing

As I read "The Happiness Project" book, I started thinking about my own happiness.
Am I happy?

By asking myself that question, my mind wondered.
There were obviously times I feel more happy, more content, more free.

I cannot say those times were better than now. Cause it seems what I lacked before, I gained now.
Unfortunately, I miss what I took for granted before.

There seems to be several ideal activities I did before, but have to abandoned due to lack of times, change in priotities, or lost of interest. Writing is unfortunately one of those activities.

In order to keep track of my own happiness plus to start writing again, I'll start posting here things I find enjoyable.

I got one already : writing. Writing for myself seems to have positive impact on my sanity (haha).

Yet as an amateur ad-hoc writer, my mind often wonders somewhere else when I'm writing some topic, like now.... *facepalm*


Oh well.

In the spirit of the quotes "practices make perfect", and "small deeds done often and routine are more effective than a big gesture done once or twice", I'll try not to overwhelmed my self by writing a long post now.

Until next post then!

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