Sunday, June 15, 2008

No Mockery Needed


to make the world a better place.

Besides, it don't do you any good other than
give a fake boost on your ego and decreasing other's self-esteem

Hey, I'm no saint, i sometimes (with or without intention) ridicule other,
I admit it was kinda fun, ha, but most kind of bad things is fun,
if it wasn't, it wouldn't be so hard to neglect, he..
plus it's definitely not fun for the one whose being mocked.
Hey, you must treat others like how you want to be treated, right?

so I'm trying to quit, or at least minimize my mockery act,
I think you should too..

lets make this world a better place.

hey, we only got one world,
we only have one life,
we better not mess it up.


Anonymous said...

terlepas dari siapapun yg dimaksud gw sedikit banyak ngerasa. gw juga udah cukup lama berusaha berhenti tapi kadang pas keinget lagi sakit ati lagi. ya lo tau aja gw hiperbolis..

ehe,,nyambung ga sih gw.
anyway, thx dis bt tulisan lo.

Anonymous said...

hah. sama kayak si nene.
gw jadi ngerasa ^^;

dan sekarang gw udah refleksi diri kok alhamdulillah... hehehe :D

Anonymous said...

hee,, yah alhamdulillah tulisan gw
bisa sedikit bermanfaat u/ orang lain..